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March '24 GP Locum B Form Guidance

GP Locums who are pensioning their locum work need to complete the March Locum B form a little differently to normal.

Read below for more info and remember:

make your pension payment by 5th April

to get the tax relief in this year!

March 24, 2024

As the pension year end of 31st March approaches, in accordance with the guidance notes on the Locum B pension form, the March form is to be filled in a little differently to normal.

The penultimate page of the Locum B form states:

“If you perform freelance GP locum work in March 2024 but receive payment in April 2024, this should be declared on your March 2024 GP Locum form B so that, when annualising, your tiered employee contribution rate in year 2023/24 takes account of your pensionable work in March 2024. If the work spans March 2024 and April 2024 you must record and invoice each month separately. This ensures that, when annualising, your tiered employee contribution rate in year 2023/24 takes account of pensionable locum work performed in March 2024. Forms containing work that spans March 2024 and April 2024 will be rejected.”

Therefore if you ordinarily prepare your Locum B forms based on the month in which you receive payment, the March form should include all work PAID in March, as well as work UNDERTAKEN in March (even if you haven’t yet been paid). Provided the above is followed there should be nothing missed nor double counted and your pension records should be processed correctly by PCSE.

Get in touch if you need help or have any queries about this.


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